How You Can Help Keep Your Car Wash Customers’ Cars Clean and Looking Great Every Single Day

Your customers rely on your self-serve and full-service car wash operation to ensure their vehicles always look their best. While you certainly would love to have your customers wash their cars every day at your car wash, this is not always practical or possible for everyone. Yet what you can to do to help your car wash customers keep their cars clean and looking great every single day is provide them access to car wash supplies and share useful tips and suggestions.

1. Stock your car wash vending machines with the right products.

Guy Cleaning a Car with a Armor All SpongeYou will want to make sure you have the right car wash and car cleaning products stocked in your vending machines and on hand for your customers to buy wherever your customers pay for their full-service car wash. You want to have a good mix of products, including:

2. Educate your customers on how to use your vending machine products in between car washes. 

You could create posters and hang them around your car wash or use tri-fold pamphlets and place these next to your vending machines. On your posters or in the pamphlets offer tips, tricks, and other information on how your customers can use your car wash vending machine products on their vehicles to keep them looking great in between car washes.

For example, you could recommend using wheel and tire cleaner to remove dust and dirt every day. Next, suggest they apply a new coat of wheel and tire shine afterward for stunning-looking wheels and tires.

For windows, you could have tips and tricks on how to use window cleaner to remove dust, dirt, bugs and prevent streaks to keep windows clean. Then, to remove dirt and dust on the vehicle itself, recommend using a “wash-as-you-wax” product like Nano Wax-As-U-Wash.

This spray-on product is designed to be used without water to remove dust and dirt while applying a coat of wax to the vehicle quickly and easily. You could offer a tip such as keeping a bottle of this in their trunk, along with several microfiber towels, so they can touch up their car no matter where they are.

3. Provide new tips, tricks, and access to the latest car cleaning and car wash supplies.

Different Cleaning Towels for CarsIt is important to keep your vending machines stocked with the right mix of products all the time. Visit your car wash locations frequently to verify that your machines are stocked. In addition, make sure to rotate the posters and pamphlets you feature by sharing new tips and tricks in each one.You could even start a “car wash and cleaning series” for your customers. This way, they will want to come back to your car wash more often to get the next installment and stock up on their car wash and cleaning supplies.

For easy access to a wide range of car wash and car cleaning accessories and supplies to stock your vending machines, please feel free to shop online at Superior Car Wash Supply or contact us at 800-554-9274 today!
