Eco-Friendly Car Wash Tips

Eco-Friendly Car Wash TipsMaking your car wash greener is a great way to attract new business, as well as support the environment. Many businesses are already going green, so why not join in and do what you can to transform your business into a green car wash?

Why Go More Eco-Friendly?

Aside from reducing your carbon footprint and helping the environment, making your professional car wash more eco-friendly is an integral part of protecting the success of your business. The popularity of green movements is growing with consumers. They are starting to actively seek out companies that do their part to help the environment. 

If you are not doing your part, you could lose current customers and fail to attract new ones. Some of the benefits of making an effort to be more environmentally friendly are:

  • You can make your car wash stand out from the competition. You can advertise and market your green efforts to let your customers and potential customers know what you are doing to reduce your environmental impact. 

  • Your actions can help encourage other local businesses to also go green.

  • Your efforts also encourage your employees and customers to consider what they can do to help the environment. 

How Can I Make My Car Wash Greener?

Reduce Your Water Usage

Reduce Your Water UsageThe biggest impact you can have on the environment is by considering the amount of water you use to wash vehicles. While your local community has you collecting the water and treating it, why not reuse it instead of discharging it down a city storm drain? 

You can redirect the used wash water into a storage tank, where it can be treated and then recycled back into your wash system so it can be reused over and over. Not only does recycling and reusing your water help the environment, but it also helps reduce your water bills. 

Upgrade Your Wash Systems to High Pressure

High water pressure systems use less water because they use increased air pressure to help assist the water in removing dirt and debris from vehicles. They also help regulate the amount of water used by only releasing it when needed. 

Adjust Your Business Habits

Adjust Your Business HabitsYou can reduce your impact on the environment by making some green changes to your business habits. For example, you can digitize receipts and send them via email or text to your customers when they need one. You could also upgrade to energy-efficient light bulbs and add recycling bins next to your trash cans. 

Utilize Free Energy Sources

Solar power and wind power are free energy sources you could use to power your car wash. Solar panels could easily be installed on the roof of your wash tunnel or wash bays. Wind power is also beneficial for car washes when you live in a windy area. As your solar or wind system generates electricity, you can store it in batteries or use it immediately. 

Promote the Use of Reusable Products

Promote the Use of Reusable ProductsAnother recent trend in the eco-friendly movement is encouraging the use of reusable products. For example, reusable travel mugs and water bottles are popular items you could customize and sell. You could also sell microfiber towels and terry cloths to your customers. 

Greenscape Your Car Wash

Greenscapes are adding green spaces around your car wash, such as planting trees, flowers, and shrubs. Greenscapes can give your car wash a unique look and provide a shaded outdoor area for customers to enjoy while waiting for their cars to get washed. 

Give Away Free Trees

A great marketing idea that is also eco-friendly is to give away free saplings to your customers for every paid wash on an environmental holiday, such as:

  • Earth Day – April 22nd

  • World Environment Day – June 5th

  • World Nature Conservation Day – July 28th

  • World Planting Day – October 22nd

  • World Soil Day – December 5th

Customers can take the young trees home and plant them in their yards. 

Reusable Products at Wholesale Prices

It is easy to find reusable products at wholesale prices for your car wash at Superior Car Wash Supply. Feel free to browse our online store or contact us at 800-554-9274 today. 
