Car Wash Marketing Trends 2023

Car Wash Marketing Trends 2023Market trends tend to shift and change depending on what is currently popular. As a car wash owner, it is a good idea to review your car wash marketing strategies at the beginning of the new year. Follow these simple steps to get started on updating your marketing strategies and be on trend for 2023. 

Step 1: Review

Start by taking a look at your current car wash marketing ideas to see what is and is not working. Any strategies that are not falling short should be replaced with new ones. There is no point in continuing to invest marketing dollars into a strategy that is not delivering acceptable returns. 

Step 2: Make a List

Next, make yourself two lists. One list should have all the car wash marketing ideas that are working. On the other list, write down the ideas that need to be fixed. Sometimes you may only need to adjust a strategy that is not working. Other times you need to scrap it and come up with something new. 

The purpose here is to ensure you know what you are already doing before creating new marketing strategies for your car wash business. This way, you will not repeat ideas you are already using. 

Step 3: Define Your Target Audience

Before you can start rolling out new car wash business ideas, you need to know what market segment is your most lucrative, so you can target your marketing toward this group. 

Remember that about one-third of your repeat customers generate a good portion of your revenues. Therefore, your goal should be to grow this segment and attract even more repeat customers. 

Step 4: Review Current Car Wash Marketing Trends

Before you can roll out new marketing ideas, you need to know what is trending. Once you do, then you can take those ideas and adapt them to your marketing strategy for your car wash business.

Step 5: Test, Refine, and Test Again

Instead of rolling out many new marketing ideas all at once, start with one or two because you need to monitor their progress or lack thereof. Your objective is to test the idea, get customer feedback, refine it, and test it again. 

On the other hand, if you try out an idea and your customers say they do not like it, then try something else. 

Trendy Car Wash Marketing Ideas

Add TikTok to your social media marketing. Add TikTok to your social media marketing. 

TikTok is one of the most used social media platforms for 16- to 34-year-olds. They make up around 80 percent of the demographic that uses TikTok. So, if you want to attract more younger customers, you need to be on TikTok. 

Offer wash subscription packages. 

Wash subscriptions are very trendy right now. They are a great way to increase revenues and give customers the flexibility to choose between different monthly packages. You could even include a free monthly air freshener as a perk in your packages. 

Set up mobile marketing.

Mobile marketing makes it easy to communicate with your customer via text message. You can hang signs that invite customers to sign up by sending a text message to a number. 

Then you just send a text message about wash specials, promotions, sales, or other updates, and they are sent to everyone who has signed up. 

Support the local community.

Another trendy car wash marketing strategy is to support the local community in some manner. For example, you could sponsor a local sports team, school band, or another organization. Another option is to give back to the community by supporting a local park or part of a highway and keeping it trash-free.

Partner with local food truck business owners. 

You can partner with one or more food truck owners to operate at your car wash. You can rotate the trucks on a weekly or monthly basis. Food trucks are an excellent way for customers to enjoy food while their cars are washed. 

Provide free WiFi access. 

People want to be connected, especially when they have to wait. So offering free WiFi adds value to how customers view your business. You could even redirect them to check in at your car wash on a social media platform when they first connect. 

Offer some form of entertainment.

If you have a lobby area, play movies on a TV or show sporting events on game days. You could also play music outside to keep your employees entertained while they work. 

Expand your services or products.

Adding one or two new services or products can increase customer traffic and boost revenues. For example, you could add a coffee shop to your car wash where you sell lattes, espressos, and other customizable beverages. 

You could also redefine your premium wash package and add a new service like a hand wax, buff, and polish. 

Update your car wash resale items.

While certain products always stay in style, like Armor All products, other items do not. Instead of trying to sell an air freshener fragrance no one wants, put it on clearance sale and replace it with a new popular scent. 

You should also rotate seasonal items throughout the year. For instance, you will not sell many snow brushes and ice scrapers in the spring and summer months. 

Host a local car club. 

One way to get people into your car wash is when they can see other cars like classic cars. While they get their vehicles washed, they can check out the classic cars. 

Host a food drive. 

Several food charities help ensure families, kids, veterans, and others have access to food. You could have your customers bring in non-perishable items and, in exchange, they get a discounted or free basic car wash. 

Another option is to package meals at your car wash. Some charities need assistance with putting together pre-packed meals they will deliver. You can invite your customers to come help you and your employees package meals. For their time, again, offer a free or discounted wash. 

As you can see, there are several ways to update your car washing business marketing ideas using one or more of these marketing trends.  

Car Wash Products at Wholesale Prices

Car Wash Products at Wholesale PricesIt is easy to find car wash products at wholesale prices that you can use or resell to your customers at Superior Car Wash Supply. Explore our online store or contact us at 800-554-9274 today.
