Best Sanitizing & Virus Protection Products to Always Have at Your Car Wash

With all 50 states now affected by coronavirus, it’s more important than ever for car wash businesses like yours to offer sanitization and protection to your employees and customers. These are effective options you can start offering today.

Protection for Employees and Customers

Ensure both employee and retail areas are well-stocked with face coverings and sanitizing products for surfaces and hands. This will empower everyone to protect one another. Erect plastic barriers at checkouts. For customers who have to enter your establishment to purchase car care products, it can help to use air sanitizers, as these reduce airborne bacteria. You can also offer these products for use in the customer’s vehicle.

Employee Care and Customer Education

Monitor employee health on a regular basis by taking temperatures upon arrival to work. Check in with employees regularly to ensure they’re feeling well, and encourage unwell employees to stay home. These measures will add to customer peace of mind. Signage indicating distancing and mask-wearing policies will offer passive education to customers.

There are many things your car wash business can do to help keep your employees and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out this infographic from Superior Car Wash Supply for more ideas.

Best Sanitizing & Virus Protection Products to Always Have at Your Car Wash
